DAN BAU LULLABY (short documentary)
A musician affected by exposure to agent orange follows his dream to become a dan bau player.
Nguyen Thanh Tung is a respected dan bau (monochord) player from Hanoi, Vietnam. Both he and his sister were born with disabilities resulting from their father's exposure to a toxin known as Agent Orange. In Dan Bau Lullaby, Nguyen speaks candidly about his influences, inspiration, daily life and why he communicates through lullabies.
Film Information:
Nguyen Thanh Tung musician info: Wiki
Title: Đàn Bầu Lullaby
Length: 9 mins
Released: 2015
Director: Jakeb Anhvu
Producers: Kim Nguyen, C Slater & Jakeb Anhvu
Writers: David Cooley & Jakeb Anhvu
Filming Location: Hanoi, Northern Vietnam
Vietnamese with English/Spanish Subtitles
IMDB: imdb.com/title/tt2950982